Academic & Publications
My main research interest is multiple-choice items and test development. I focus on the influence of item writing techniques on item validity and reliability. I am also interested in the study of supplementary education. I explore causes and outcomes of private tutoring by using nationally representative data in Turkey, drawn from Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) made available by OECD. I specialize in advanced quantitative methods and large datasets.

Academic & Publications
Ph.D., Psychology & Research in Education
School of Education
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 2014
M.A., Mathematics Education
School of Education
Balikesir University, Balikesir, TURKEY, 2006
B.A., Mathematics
School of Science
Ege University, Izmir, TURKEY, 2004

Research Interest
Item Writing Techniques, Meta-analysis, Large-scale assessments, Scale Development, Item Response Theory

Honors, Awards, & Fellowship
Travel Award Recipient for 2015 Annual Meeting of National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-2224A)
Fellowship for Graduate Education in the U.S., National Ministry of Education of Turkey, 2007 – 2014
Graduate Student Travel Award Recipient for 2013 AERA Annual Conference, San Francisco, California
Graduate Student Travel Award Recipient for 2013 The conference of CIES, New Orleans, Lousiana
Graduate Student Travel Award Recipient for 2012 The conference of CIES, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Scholarly & Professional Membership
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME)
Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
Association for Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology [AMEEP]
Computer Knowledge
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, powerpoint, publisher), HTML, Frontpage, Endnote, SPSS, LISREL, BILOG, Mplus, STATA, Fortran, Pascal, C, IRT Pro, JAMOVÄ°, JASP, Comprehensive Meta Anaysis, and Delphi.
Editorial and Refereeing Tasks
Field Editor, Turkish Journal of Education
Field Editor, International Journal Assesment Tool in Education
Peer Reviewed International Journal Articles​
Kirmizi, O., Irgatoglu, I., & Atalmis, E.H. (2023). Examining the interplay between growth and fixed mindsets, L2 grit, and L2 motivational self-system of L2 learners. SAGE Open, 13(4), 1-13..
Nacar, A., & Atalmis, E.H. (2022). Teachers Believing in Education Relationship Between Workaholism Levels: Example of KahramanmaraÅŸ Province. Ahi Evran Institute of Social Sciences Journal, 8(1), 81-100., Doi: 10.31592/aeusbed.981999.
Yirci, R., Atalmis, E.H., & Gulseda, K. (2022). Analyzing the Mediating Effect of Psychological Resilience on the Relationship between COVID-19 Fear and Happiness. Universitepark Bülten, 11(2), 147-166., Doi: 10.22521/edupij.2022.112.8.
Tasdemir, I., & Atalmis, E.H. (2021). Examination of the Relationship between Paternalistic Leadership Behaviors and Creative Leadership Traits. Sakarya University Journal of Educational Faculty, 21(1), 84-103.
Selcuk G., Atalmis E.H., & Atac A. (2020). 4006 TUBITAK Science Fairs Effectiveness According to Teachers and Students: Validity and Reliability Study. Journal of Social Science of Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, 17(2), 750-774., Doi:
Can, N., Yildirim, N., Bedir, G., & Atalmis, E.H. (2019). Developing an Idealist Teacher Scale: Validity and Reliability Study. Celal Bayar University Journal of Social Sciences, 17(4), 405-418, Doi: 10.18026/cbayarsos.628634.
Atalmis, E.H. (2019). Are the Weighting Ratios of the Postgraduate Education Entrance Criteria Realistic?. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research, 13(27), 664-681., Doi: 10.29329/mjer.2019.185.32.
Dagli H., Daglioglu H.E., Atalmis E.H. (2019). Development of a Preschool Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale regarding Mathematics. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 6(4), 617-635., Doi: 10.21449/ijate.593636.
Atalmis, E.H. (2019). A statistical comparison of norm-referenced assessment systems used in higher education in Turkey. Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 10(1), 12-29. Doi: 10.21031/epod.487335.
Kaplan M., & Atalmis, E.H. (2019). Examining Gender Bias in Multiple Choice Item Formats Violating Item-Writing Guidelines. International Online Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(1), 214-229. Doi: 10.15345/iojes.2019.01.015.
Atalmis, E.H., Selcuk G., & Atac, A. (2018). Administrative, Executive and Student Opinions on TUBITAK 4006 Projects. Ahi Evran University Journal of Kırşehir Education Faculty, 19(3), 1999-2020., Doi: 10.29299/kefad.2018.19.03.006.
Kirisci, G., & Atalmis, E.H. (2018). The relationship between studens' reasons for living in dormitories of Credit and Dormitories Institution and their satisfaction levels. Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Journal of Education, 1(1), 56-67.
Atalmis E.H., & Kose, A. (2018). Turkish Prospective Teachers’ Attitudes towards the Teaching Profession: A Meta-Analysis Study. Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, 9(4), 393-413., Doi: 10.21031/epod.410287.
Atalmis E.H. (2018). The Use of Three-Option Multiple Choice Items for Classroom Assessment. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 5(2), 314-324., Doi: 10.21449/ijate.421167.
Atalmis E.H., & Kingston, N.M.(2018). The Impact of Homogeneity of Answer Choices on Item Difficulty and Discrimination. SAGE Open, 8(1), 1-9., Doi: 10.1177/2158244018758147.
Atalmis E.H., & Kingston N.M.(2017). Three, four, and none of the above options in multiple-choice items. Turkish Journal of Education, 6(4), 143-157., Doi: 10.19128/turje.333687.
Kose, A. & Atalmis, E.H.(2017). Contribution of the Training Taken during Candidate Teacher Training to Teaching Practices: Problems and Solution Suggestions. Turkish Studies - Educational Sciences, 12(25), 491-512., Doi: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.12185.
Demir, P., Kocer, M., & Atalmis, E.H. (2016). Examining Social Studies Questions on National Test in Turkey in terms of Revized Bloom’s Taxanomy. Turkish Studies - Educational Sciences, 11(19), 299-299., Doi: 10.7827/TurkishStudies.11190.
Dos Ä°, & Atalmis, E.H. (2016). Evaluation of PISA Results Based on OECD Parameters. Abant Izzet Baysal University Journal of Educational Faculty, 16(2), 432-450.
Atalmis E.H., Yilmaz, M., SaatcioÄŸlu, A. (2016). How Does the Private Tutoring Mediate the Competing Effects of SES and Ability on Math Achievement. Policy Future in Education, 14(8), 1135-1152.
Atalmis E.H. (2016). Do the Guideline Violations Influence Test Difficulty of High stake Test an Investigation on University Entrance Examination in Turkey. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4(10), 1-7., Doi: 10.11114/jets.v4i10.1738.
Atalmis E.H., Avgin S.S., Demir, P., & Yildirim, B. (2016). Examination of Science Achievement in the 8th Grade Level in Turkey in Terms of National and International Exams Depending upon Various Variables. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(10), 152-162.
Boran A., Atalmis E.H., & Sagir E. (2015). Private tutoring center teachers and their working conditions Turkish Journal of Education. Turkish Journal of Education, 4(4), 17-29., Doi: 10.19128/turje.06413.
Gumus S., & Atalmis E. H. (2012). Achievement gaps between different school types and regions in Turkey: Have they changed over time?. Mevlana International Journal of Education (MIJE), 2(2), 50-66.
Gumus S., & Atalmis E.H. (2011). Exploring the Relationship between Purpose of Computer Usage and Reading Skills of Turkish Students Evidence from PISA 2006. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(3), 129-140.
Books/Book Editor
- Selçuk, G. & Atalmis, E.H. (2018). Sosyal Bilimlerde EÄŸitim AraÅŸtırmaları, Germany: LAP Lampert.
Atalmis, E. H., Köse, A. & Yıldırım, O. (2017). Classroom Management, Teaching Techniques, and Measurement and Evaluation with Practical Examples, Ä°stanbul, Turkey: DeÄŸiÅŸim.
Köse, A., Selçuk, G. & Atalmis, E.H. (2017). 2017 Educational Strategies III - Education, London, England: IJOPEC.
Tepekaya, M. & Atalmis, E.H. (2016). 2016 Educational Strategies. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP Lampert.
Book Chapters
Yildirim, İ., & Atalmis, E.H. (In press). Meta-Analysis. In Sedat Sen and Ibrahim Yıldırım (Eds.), Advanced Statistics Practices. Ankara: Nobel Press.
Atalmis, E.H. (In press). Logistics Regression. In Sedat Sen and Ibrahim Yıldırım (Eds.), Advanced Statistics Practices. Ankara: Nobel Press.
Atalmis, E.H. (2022). Lifelong Learning, Monitoring and Evaluation Practices. In Nurhayat Celebi and Gulenaz Selcuk (Eds.), Lifelong Approaches and Practices. Ankara: Pegem Press.
Sungur, G., & Atalmis, E.H. (2022). Formative Assessment and Formative Feedback in Hybrid Classrooms. In Esef H. Toytok, Mehmet Ramazanoglu, and Ozgur Bolat (Eds.), Creating Effective Hybrid-Based Learning Environments "Flipped Classroom and Learning Practices". Ankara: Pegem Press.
Atalmis, E.H. (2021). Types and Characteristics of Measurement Errors. In Lokman Akbay (Ed.), Measurement and Evaluation in Education. Ankara: Murat Press.
Atalmis E.H. (2020). Research Methods in Educational Science. In Adem Bayar (Ed.), Introduction to Educational Science. Ankara: Pegem Press.
Yakar, L., & Atalmis, E.H. (2020). Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching. In Mehmet Tekerek and Mahmut Sagir (Eds.), Educationing educators in Higher Education. Ankara: Pegem Press.
Atalmis, E.H. (2020). Introduction to Excel and SPSS. In Fatih Orcan (Ed.), Statistics in Social Sciences: Excel and SPSS Applications. Ankara: Ani Press.
Atalmis, E.H. (2019). Characteristics Measured in Education and their Gradual Classification. In Bayram Cetin (Ed.), Measurement and Evaluation in Education. Ankara: Ani Press.
Atalmis, E.H. (2019). Multiple Choice Test Items. In Bayram Cetin (Ed.), Measurement and Evaluation in Education. Ankara: Ani Press.
Atalmis, E.H. (2019). Descriptive Research Methods. In Sedat Sen and Ibrahim Yıldırım (Eds.), Research Methods in Education. Ankara: Nobel Press.
Atalmis, E.H. (2019). Data Preparation. In Sedat Sen (Eds.), Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling. Ankara: Nobel Press (Translation into Turkish of book chapter).
Kosum, E., & Atalmis, E.H. (November 2021). Examining of the Relationship between Teacher Leadership and Individual Innovation. Presented at the 8th International Strategic Research Congress, Antalya, TÜRKÄ°YE.
Tas, B., & Atalmis, E.H. (November 2020). The Relationship between Teachers' Idealism Levels and Lifelong Learning Tendencies. Presented at the 7th International Strategic Research Congress, Antalya, TÜRKÄ°YE.
Atalmis, E.H., & Bedir, G. (October 2019). Graduate Students' Opinions on Learning Style Preferences. Paper Presented at the 6th International Strategic Research Congress, Antalya, TÜRKÄ°YE.
Nacar, A., & Atalmis, E.H. (October 2018). Examination of Course Passing Scores of Undergraduate programs: A Example of State Universities. Paper Presented at the 4th International Strategic Research Congress, Antalya, TÜRKÄ°YE.
Atalmis, E.H. (September 2018). Statistical Comparison of Norm-Referenced Systems Used in Higher Education in Turkey. Paper Presented at the Educational Conference, Ankara, TÜRKÄ°YE.
Atalmis, E. H. (September 2018). The Impact of Number of Choices of Complex Multiple Choice Items on Item Psychometric Properties. Paper Presented at the 6th International Congress on Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Pschology Congress, Prizren, KOSOVO.
Atalmis, E.H., & Kaplan, M. (September 2018). The Impact of Complex Multiple Choice Items on Item Difficulty. Paper Presented at the 6th International Congress on Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Pschology Congress, Prizren, KOSOVO.
Kurt, Y., & Atalmis, E.H. (May 2018). Examination of Criteria to Apply Graduate Schools in Turkey. Paper Presented at the 2nd International Social Science Congress, Gaziantep, TÜRKÄ°YE.
Demir, P., & Atalmis, E.H. (October 2017). Examination of Teachers’ strategies of preparing the questions for classroom assessment. Paper Presented at the 2nd International Strategic Research Congress, Antalya, TÜRKÄ°YE.
Atalmis, E.H. (May 2017). Examination of Psychometric Properties of Mid-terms and Final exams. Paper Presented at the Social Science Congress, Antalya, TÜRKÄ°YE.
Atac, A., Atalmis, E.H., & Selcuk, G. (May 2017). A Different Look at Science Projects from Educational, Cultural, Social and Political Perspectives. Paper Presented at the International Research Congress, Canakkale, TÜRKÄ°YE.
Atalmis, E.H. (October 2016). Teaching Profession Attitude Scale Short Form: Reliability and Validity Study. ÖÄŸretmenlik MesleÄŸi Tutum ÖlçeÄŸi Kısa Formu: Güvenirlik ve Geçerlilik Çalışması. Paper Presented at the International Strategic Research Congress, Antalya, TÜRKÄ°YE.
Atalmis, E.H., Atac, A., & Selcuk, G. (October 2016). The Effect of the Reasons for Choosing Teaching of Students Who Have Pedagogical Formation Certificate on Their Attitudes to the Teaching Profession. Paper Presented at the International Strategic Research Congress, Antalya, TÜRKÄ°YE
Atalmis, E.H., Dos, Ä°., & Kayran, M. (May 2016). How Teaching Certification Influence Teacher Candidates Attitude towards Teaching Profession. Paper Presented at the 8th International Educational Research Congress, Canakkale, TÜRKÄ°YE
Atalmis, E.H. (May 2016). Investigation of the Effects of Entry Criteria to Graduate Schools. Paper Presented at the 8th International Educational Research Congress, Canakkale, TÜRKÄ°YE
Perie, M., & Atalmis, E.H. (April 2015). How to eliminate an option from a Multiple Choice Item. Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, Chicago, IL.
Atalmis, E.H., & Kingston N.M. (April 2014). The Impact of Homogeneity of Answer Choices on Item Difficulty. Paper Presented at the National Counsil on Measurement in Education, Philadelphia, PA.
Atalmis, E.H., & Yılmaz, M. (April 2013). Do Educational Centers Offering Supplemental Education in Turkey Increases the Achievement Gap among Students from Lower SES and Higher SES. Paper Presented at the Comparative and International Education Society, New Orleans, LA
Atalmis, E.H., & Esen, E. (May 2012). How Home Environment Affects Students’ Academic Achievement. Paper Presented at the IV. International Educational Research Congress in Turkey, Antalya, TÜRKÄ°YE
Esen, E., & Atalmis, E.H. (June 2011). Effects of Social and Cultural Capital on CollegeStudents Success: The Case of First-GenerationCollege Students in Turkey. Paper Presented at the International Higher Education Congress, Istanbul, TÜRKÄ°YE
Gumus, S., & Atalmis, E.H. (May 2011). Exploring the Relationship between Purpose of Computer Usage and Reading Skills of Turkish Students: Evidence from PISA 2006. Paper Presented at the 11th International Educational Technology Conference, Antalya, TÜRKÄ°YE.